touch screen

Use iPhone Touchscreen with Cover on | /* Begin Contact Form CSS */ .contactform { position: static; overflow: hidden; width: 95%; } .contactleft { width: 25%; white-space: pre; text-align: right; clear: both; float: left; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 5px 0; } .contactright { width: 70%; text-align: left; float: right; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 5px 0; } .contacterror { border: 1px solid #ff0000; } .contactsubmit { } /* End Contact Form CSS */ The Lighter Side of Technology Home Store Forums Advertise IPTV Podcasts Mobile format Promote Us! Site Tips Contact Us Welcome is a Mobile Technology enthusiast site run by SolSie, a self-confessed gadget junkie based in Southern California and his friends as contributors living around the globe! You are cordially invited to just browse around this web site and do not stop just at the front pages. We would love to hear your feedback and other inquiries as well as we welcome your valuable contributions (article, review, news, etc..) to our community. We start another "Super-Easy-SolSie-Style" contest. The prizes will be 3 x One-year subscription for 30GB with SugarSync . SugarSync is a cross platform synchronization solution. Your files/photos can be replicated in real time between your Windows, MacOS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, a personal Web site, a Web photo gallery for anywhere-access. Deadline Friday May, 2nd, at 8PM PST - Participate HERE! Use iPhone Touchscreen with Cover on 15 April, 2008 Posted by SolSie As Accessories, iPhone There is nothing hurts me such seeing the fingerprints on allover the glorious iPhone screen. Unfortunately that is the price you pay for the convenience of finger friendly touch screen. Ivyskin releases the “Xylo Touch Thru (T2)”, which is a hard-shell polycarbonate case not only it protects the entire iPhone, it also covers the display with a hard scratch resistant shield using “Surface Xylo Wave” technology that claims to send ultrasonic signals from your fingers through a clear shield. Basically you can use full finger touch function while the screen is covered. The case is reasonably priced at $35 starting Apr 21st. Xylo Touch Thru T2, via Engadget Technorati Tags: Ivyskin,xylo+touch+thru+T2,iPhone,case Categories : Accessories, iPhone No comments yet. Leave a comment Name (required) E-mail (required) URI Your Comment Notify me of followup comments via e-mail Subscribe Rss Feed or Subscribe Via Email Translate Follow us! What is Twitter? Sponsor Sponsor Recent Comments OS X Leopard skin on Windows Mobile Smartphones SolSie: Thanks Ross, I will update! 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